12 April 2006

On the slow train...

Dear K,

I'm on the slow update train. I know, I know. I should be making up for your absense (and we do miss you)! It's clearly a fault of the job. If the students are busy, I am busy. Luckily Si and I finally were able to take a break this weekend and while I did very little knitting I indulged in the second passion of this knitter, clubbing!

We headed to DC to dance, drink a little, stay in a hotel and see the Dada exhibit at the national gallery. I wore the boots of doom to the club. Oh, how I have missed wearing them... Clubbing left no lingering effects and we were up by noon on Sunday for a trip to the National Gallery. It was a GORGEOUS day! The Dada exhibit was incredible. I absolutely love art with a political edge. Unfortunately a week of crazyness has rendered my brain incapable of intellegent commentary at this point so instead I leave you with evidence of the beautiful day!

In other non weekend trip related knitting news, I finished the day glow socks! I have no idea where I will wear these....maybe under the boots of doom. :P

And the wedding afghan in progress. This will eventually be a wedding gift for my baby sister. I'm incredibly pleased with my own ability to make a feather and fan pattern. (Like it's difficult!) In any case, this will be a lap blanket. I just don't have the patience for anything larger.

I hope you feel better soon, friend o' mine!

Much love and better making hugs,

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